President's Message

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     Welcome to the Rhinestone Phoenix Charity Foundation web site.  My name is Glenn Anderson, I am the President of the society.

      I would like to tell you a little about our history.  The Rhinestone Phoenix has had the pleasure of being a part of Vancouver’s gay community for nearly a quarter century. 

      The first Mr. & Ms. Gay Vancouver were elected in 1980.  This honour went to Richard McGuiness and Pussy Galore.  The titles were held under the Dogwood Monarchist Society for the first four reigns.  It was at this point that Ms. Gay Vancouver IV, Ms. Wiggins decided to give her Mr. Gay, Crema, a step down gift.  A Society for the Mr. & Ms. Gay Vancouver to call their own. 

      It was at this point, that in honour of the symbol of office that Crema had used, the PHOENIX that the Phoenix Heraldic Society was born. 

 Over the years many people have had the honour of holding the tile of Mr. & Ms. Gay Vancouver, including myself as Mr Gay Vancouver XVI.  The society has under gone many changes in including a name change to the Rhinestone Phoenix Charity Foundation in 1997.

 Many of the people who have held the titles in the society have gone on to become Emperor or Empress of the city of Vancouver, as well as other cities in Canada.

It is a great honour to be a part of this society and the work that we do for the community.  Over the years thousands of dollars have been raised and distributed to various organisations in Vancouver, both gay and straight.

 As we look towards our Silver Jubilee in 2005, we invite one and all to come and be a part of the society.  We can always use volunteers and supporters.  And hey, you never know, maybe you could be one of the future reigns in this legacy.

 Please watch for up coming events.  And don’t be shy come up to any of us and say HELLO!  We look forward to working in the community for another 25 years.

 Should you have any questions regarding the society, please feel free to contact us via e-mail at , through links on this website, anyone on our executive, at any of our shows or Mr. & Ms. Gay Vancouver both past and present. I am sure they would be happy to talk with you.

 Working Together To Make The Community A Better Place!



President, The Rhinestone Phoenix Charity Foundation

Mr. Gay Vancouver XVI

Emperor XXII of Calgary, Alberta

The Golden Gladiator, and Keeper of the Supreme Rose

Glenn Anderson DeMylar Fuca Wilson Boink Towers Duyahwanna DeWitt Blake

Copyright © 2002 Rhinestone Phoenix Charity Foundation. All Rights Reserved. Last Update: 30/04/2003
